Intro : Losing important WhatsApp messages can be a frustrating experience, whether due to accidental deletion, device issues, or other reasons. Fortunately, there are methods available to help you recover those lost or deleted WhatsApp messages. In this guide, we will provide you with an overview of the different approaches you can take to recover your WhatsApp messages. Method : Whatsapp makes a backup on the local device storage. It makes it so you can easily backup these files without google drive backup. whatsapp make this backup every day at 2:00 AM accorrding to your time. It maybe stored in the Sd Card or the device storage. Steps : 1. Run or Open the FIle manager App on your Device . Every Device has a built in file manager which you can use and also you can install a third party file manager. 2. Now Search for the folder named "Whatsapp" in the file manager app. 3. Now open this folder and you will see three folders in front of you. Nlw open the "